Industrial Construction Safety
The personal health and safety of each DANCO employee is of primary importance. We have always and shall continue to hold safety as our most important responsibility in the operation of this organization. We firmly believe that production and safety go hand in hand and that a safe working environment leads to improved production. DANCO Management actively participates, remains highly visible, and commits the necessary resources to reinforce a strong commitment towards safety. DANCO works as a team in the continuous pursuit of an accident and injury free workplace, while recognizing that no business objective will be pursued at the sacrifice of safety.
DANCO is dedicated to protecting its employees from hazards that arise or may arise in the performance of their job duties. To help control identified hazards, we have chosen to analyze the steps employees take in their job duties and to identify means to minimize or eliminate these hazards through the use of Job Safety Analysis (JSA). JSA communicates to employees the safe and efficient procedures to follow during their job tasks.
DANCO has established an effective and continuous safety program incorporating educational and monitoring procedures maintained to teach safety, correct deficiencies, and provide a safe working environment.
DANCO provides employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to work in a safe and healthful manner. DANCO identifies training topics that apply to employees from OSHA Standards, other state and federal regulatory agency standards, and from accident trends or unsafe work practice observations through the use of a Safety Committee, JSA, and jobsite inspections and maintains an annually updated Safety & Health Training Program based on new regulations, observation of training effectiveness, and employee feedback.
DANCO Industrial Contractors, Inc. have been awarded certificates for “A Lost Time Accident-Free Year” for the past 3 years.
DANCO employees are required to pass pre-employment, post-accident, and random drug screens.